The Types of Hell according to Shrimad Bhagwad Purana


After the death of a person, he serves a period in hell for the sins and in heaven for the good deeds. According to the scriptures, there are different types of hell for different sins and the punishments are specified for each sin. The various types of hell are:

TAMISRAThose who take away the wealth, children, and wives of others are punished here in the dark. The sinners are kept without food and water. They are repeatedly thrashed and scared by the Yamdoots (servants of Yamraj).

ANDHATAMISRA-  Those who use others' wives by cheating are punished here. Here the sinners get severely confused making their own life very painful.

ROURAV - Those who become the reason for others' pain and misery are punished here. They are severely tortured here exactly the same way they had tortured others in their physical life. Rourav is named after a very dangerous animal called RURU which is more frightening than snakes.

MAHAROURAV- Those who are very selfish and don't care about the difficulties of others are punished here. Here the Ruru eats them slowly.

KUMBHIPAK- Those who cook and eat other animals/birds are fried here in hot oil.

KALSUTRA-  Those who oppose or insult Parents, Brahmins, Gurus, and the Vedas are punished here. Here the ground is made of copper below which fire is burned. The sinners are kept here on the hot copper making their lives miserable. They can't stand, sit or sleep for years.

ASIPATRAVAN- Those who change their own religion are punished here. Sinners are thrashed here by weapons like palm stems.

SUKARMUKH- Although the employees of the king or government who give punishment to innocent people are punished here. Sinners are crushed here like sugarcane.

ANDHAKUP- Those who kill crawling insects are punished here. They are tortured here by the same insects.

KRUMIBHOJAN- Those who eat without providing food to others in the family are kept in this well of long worms where the worms bite them.

SAN-DAS- Those who steal or rob others' gold is kept here. Sinners are punished here with hot iron rods and hooks.

TAPTASURMI- Those who enter into physical relationships with forbidden relations are punished here(male and female). They are severely thrashed here and are forced to embrace hot iron statues of man and woman as the case may be.

VAJRAKANTAKSHALMALI- Those who commit unnatural sexual activities e.g. with animals are forced to climb thorny trees and pulled down forcibly in this hell.

VAITARANI- Members of the royal family or members of cultured dynasties who behave unethically are punished here. They are thrown into the river of rotten flesh, excreta, urine, pus, etc where the worms bite them continuously.

PUYOD- Those who showcase animal-like behaviour and befriend unethical people are punished here. They are thrown into the sea of rotten flesh, blood, excreta, and pus. They are forced to eat and drink the same.

PRANARODH- Those brahmins who keep pets like dogs, cats, and ass and go hunting are punished here. The Yamdoots force them to be the target posts for archery.

VISHASAN- Those who sacrifice animals for black magic oblations (तन्त्रयज्ञ) are tortured here with sharp weapons.

LALABHAKSHYA- Those who force their wife to have sex in forbidden time are thrown into this river of semen and are forced to drink the same.

SARMEYADAN- Those who ignite the house of others or poison somebody or rob the group of businessmen is bitten repeatedly by seven hundred twenty dogs having sharp canines.

AVICHI- Those who cheat in business or give false testimonials are punished here. They are thrown from the top of mountains time and again.

AYAHPAN- Those who drink alcohol are punished here. Hot iron rods are inserted into their mouths.

KSHYARAKARDAM- Those who don't obey the religious teachings out of ego are severely punished here.

RAKSHYAGANBHOJAN- Those who perform yajna or oblations by sacrificing humans are cut by sharp weapons and the oozing blood from the injuries are sucked by the 'Rakshya-gan'.

SHULPROT- Those who bind and torture innocent animals to get sadistic pleasures are pierced with iron spikes or prongs.

DANTSHUK- Humans who unnecessarily torture others are punished here. Here five-hooded snakes swallow them and vomit them out. The process continues multiple times.

AVATNIRODHAN- Those who forcefully throw living beings into dark cave-like places and make them suffer there are punished here. They are thrown into such caves and sprayed with poisonous gas. 

PARYAVATRAN- Those who misbehave or lose temper before their guests are punished here. Rigid and sharp-beaked birds attack them.

SUCHIMUKH- Wealthy people who underestimate others and misbehave with them, or commits unethical deeds are punished here. They are repeatedly sewn with needle and thread by the Yamdoots.

Source: Shrimad Bhagwad Purana

Disclaimer: The contents here are directly written from the scriptures and not the personal opinion of the author.

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